
Energetik open day for customers: engagement is more than a buzzword

Energetik’s customers visit Arnos Grove heat network energy centre at open day event

Moving into a property on a district heating network can be a daunting prospect, with lots of questions about how it works, how it’s different and of course how much it will cost. We take care to provide this information before customers move into their new homes, because customer engagement is more than a buzzword to us at Energetik. Giving customers opportunities to meet with us and give feedback as they get used to their new system is useful for all involved. So we recently held an open day at our Arnos Grove heat network.

A key part of our approach to providing great service is actively engaging with our customers through face-to-face conversations.

It’s so important that our customers understand the technology in their home, how we charge for the heat supply, and what to do if anything goes wrong. Private tenants, leaseholders and social tenants attended our Arnos Grove heat network open day. Some of the people who joined have been customers for six months already, while others were just about to collect the keys to their new homes.

An exciting part of the day was inviting customers to visit the energy centre that provides the heating and hot water to their homes.

“The tour was very informative and interesting. You were very good at explaining how the system works.”

“The Energetik team have been very helpful and informative. I understand the system

At the open day we provided support and information on the following areas:

  • Information about Energetik and our heat networks
  • How customers use the pay-as-you-go system and how our charges are
  • Information about the heating equipment within the home, who is
    responsible for its maintenance, and who to contact if there’s a problem
  • How to report faults and complain
  • The extra support we provide to vulnerable customers
  • Information about the independent support available through our
    membership to the Heat Trust

We wanted to give all the residents an opportunity to speak to us in person to ask questions or give feedback on our heating service. We are an energy company that’s owned by Enfield Council, and we are proud of the fact we are different. Our customers are more than just numbers. We are driven by quality and strive for higher standards to protect customers and benefit the wider industry.