
In your home

Find out where energetik’s community heat networks are and how they work in our interactive map.

Thermostat / heating programmer

Your property has a programmer and a room thermostat to set the times and temperatures you want to use your heating and hot water.

If you run out of heating credit, the heating programmer will turn off. It will retain all your saved settings, which will come back as soon as you top up and reactivate your system.

Repairs & maintenance

The thermostat and heating programmer are not part of the energetik network. It is your responsibility, or your landlord’s, to fix or replace it if something goes wrong.

Heating Smart Meter

Your Smart Meter is a touchscreen tablet device and is fixed to a wall in your home.

The Smart Meter lets you keep track of your energy usage and how much you spend. It has an easy-to-use touch screen that shows your meter readings, heat use and top-up history. We can send messages to your Smart Meter for tips and advice.

We communicate with the Smart Meter using a sim card. The sim card sends your metering information to us automatically, so you pay for what you are using in real time.


The central heating system pipes inside your home from the HIU, and the taps, shower and radiators are not part of the energetik network. It is your responsibility, or your landlord’s, to fix or replace them if something goes wrong.

Radiators, towel rails and TRVs

Each of your radiators has its own thermostat, except for the radiator in the hallway. You can have different temperatures in different rooms and turn heating off in rooms you’re not using with the thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) on individual radiators.

Repairs & maintenance

The radiators and the TRVs are not part of the energetik network. It is your responsibility, or your landlord’s, to fix them if something goes wrong.

Pay-as-you-go for heating: be in control

You can manage your account anytime, anywhere by logging in to your customer account online. We have a specially trained UK based call centre if you prefer to contact us by phone. We offer lots of flexible payment options so you can pay for your heating how you like.

HIU: ‘the heat box’

A heat interface unit (HIU) is a box that looks like a boiler. It transfers the heat from the community heating network into your home’s central heating system. It makes heat available instantly, whenever it’s required. You simply set the thermostat and heating programmer, as you would with a traditional boiler.

There is a heat meter inside the HIU. The heat meter measures how much heat energy you use. Heat is measured in kilowatts, shown as kWh on your statement and on your Smart Meter.

Heated towel rails

We are not responsible for the radiators and towel rails in your home: it is your or your landlord’s responsibility to fix or replace them.

Check your Home Manual for details

Underfloor Heating

Depending on your home, an underfloor heating system may be what heats your home instead of radiators. This doesn’t change how Energetik supplies your system with heat or how you control it.

Your heat and hot water supply

All heating and hot water in homes connected to our community heat network is supplied by energetik. Homes benefit from a reliable and safe heat supply. Customers have full control over the temperature in each room and when the heating is on.

The community heating system is convenient and hassle-free. Not having a gas boiler in your home saves space and means less maintenance for you. Your property is safer, with no risk of carbon monoxide poisoning or explosion. We provide a high level of customer service and make sure our tariffs are fair. We offer a range of flexible payment options to suit everyone.

energetik maintains your Smart Meter and Heat Interface Unit (HIU). Check your Home Manual for maintenance and repair details of all other equipment.

Click the ‘+’ symbols to find out more about the heating equipment in your home and who is responsible for maintaining it.